Paste to restore clarity of headlights

Paste to restore clarity of headlights LAMP Doctor, 60 g

(€9.98 / 100 g)

K2 LAMP DOCTOR is a polish compound for use by hand or with polishing tool. Completely removes scratches, haze, cloudiness, discoloration and yellowing from headlights, taillights, fog lights, boat lights and various camper or plane windows. Use of K2 LAMP DOC ... More info

Part #: L3050

Spanish Warehouse: Available
Czech Warehouse: Sold out


K2 LAMP DOCTOR is a polish compound for use by hand or with polishing tool. Completely removes scratches, haze, cloudiness, discoloration and yellowing from headlights, taillights, fog lights, boat lights and various camper or plane windows. Use of K2 LAMP DOCTOR paste makes the headlights look like new with brilliant clarity and long-lasting protection.


  • Fill weight: 60 g

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